The Sea from Here: Interview with Sea Library
I’m delighted to have been interviewed by Sea Library – a blog and physical library set up by Anna Iltnere from her base in Jurmala, Latvia. A place “thriving under pine umbrellas on a stretch of land between the river Lielupe and the Baltic Sea.” Jurmala translates as seaside and jura as sea: “the perfect place for a sea library to wash ashore.” Among other things, the feature highlights two ongoing participatory projects: The Sea from Here + Where Once the Waters.
Find on Sea Library’s Instagram a wonderful range of water-books, many of which grace my own shelves: David Gange’s The Frayed Atlantic Edge, Barry Lopez’s Horizon, Raynor Winn’s The Salt Path…
“Sometimes when I’m near water I can switch off and appreciate the beauty of it all, and in much of my painting I hope to convey this feeling. But at other times, I can’t help but fear the ocean’s power, and regret the damage we’ve done.”